Empower Your

Wellness Journey.

You can start anywhere in your life and make a change.

Choosing a Mind, Body, and Spirit approach to wellness will make change easier.

I can help.

Changing your actions will help.

Changing your thoughts will help.

Changing how you feel will help.

But when you combine the power of your actions, thoughts, and feelings, you can transform your life.

Clients come to me because they want to feel empowered on their journey to wellness.

Sometimes, they know what to do but can’t make themselves get started or follow through. Other times, they have no idea what to do.

I help you connect your body, mind, and spirit to create the life you want to lead.

When we include all parts of ourselves in our journey through life, when we approach life through a lens of wholeness, we make it easier to create the life of our dreams.

“With each step, I became more aware of my health. I felt such gratitude for my life, and for the rocks and boulders I’ve walked over or around, stumbled upon, or climbed.” - Jennifer C. Kane

Path through the woods

BookShelf: Featured Book

Start Where You Are

A Healing Journal Through Cancer

You are amazing. You are strong.

You are resilient.

You might not feel that way right now. A cancer diagnosis turns your world upside down and forces you to come to grips with life’s big questions.

You will feel a range of emotions through cancer, sometimes within minutes. Pouring your heart onto the pages of your journal will help you make sense of your life and help you move through cancer with intention.

This journal was created by a cancer survivor to help others through cancer. It is filled with timeless quotes by writers, philosophers, and mystics to help you find hope, faith, peace, strength, courage, and grace.

Sprinkled throughout are words of healing, simple mindfulness practices, and affirmations to help you heal as you navigate through cancer.

Resources to Start Where You Are

"I've learned that we have the most amazing capacity to heal - and that true healing requires the mind, body, and spirit."

- Jennifer C. Kane

"I've learned that we have the most amazing capacity to heal -

and that true healing requires the mind, body, and spirit."

- Jennifer C. Kane

“I have learned that we have the most amazing capacity to heal - and that true healing requires the mind, body, and spirit.”

- Jennifer C. Kane

About Jennifer

Hypnotist, Health Coach, Teacher, Author, Speaker

I've been empowering women on their wellness journey for over 20 years.

As a chiropractor and acupuncture practitioner since 2001, I learned firsthand that we must fully participate in our health and wellness if we want to create the life we desire. In helping patients to heal, I learned that the more we incorporate a mind, body, and spirit approach to health and wellness, the better our results.

But it wasn't until I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer in 2012 (at the age of 39) that I truly understood the power of integrating mind, body, and spirit.

Throughout cancer treatment, I applied my extensive knowledge of holistic medicine. In addition to chemotherapy, radiation, and 2 abdominal surgeries, I used a mind, body, and spirit approach to heal and thrive. My results were tremendous and far exceeded my doctors’ expectations.

From my work with patients and my experience during cancer, I realized the profound impact stress has on health and wellness and the vital importance of making lifestyle changes that support a healthy life.

In 2017, I became a Certified Hypnotist to better address the impact of the mind and emotions on healing and help people accelerate changes through hypnosis, both in person and online.

With a wealth of experience, I am an expert in helping people transform and create a life of wellness. Since 2001, I have guided thousands of patients to overcome their health challenges and implement physical, mental, and emotional strategies that lead to positive change.

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